Crucial Time

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Long time no see, fellasss... *muncul bersama api2 dari petasan air mancur anak-anak komplek* :D

I have a lot of things to do since my last post in this blog: writing my thesis, revising it, doing the research, revising again. And the chain is still rotating until now. The first problem why I can't finish it as soon as possible is my super-duper busy adviser. *menghela napas panjang* You'll have no idea how many times i need to wait him... :'( but it's okay, I never lost my patience *emot semangat*.
During my academic activities, I still made use of my free time to travel around my lovely lil town, Pekalongan. I went to Depok Beach which is located in Sepait kab. Pekalongan. The sand may not as white as in the Sundak beach *well, it's black.. :|* but you can see beautiful sunset there! I was surprised too when I saw it.

Jepret in 3.. 2..

not soft enough, but i still love the sand!

step step.. aaand she's gooooone! :D

Nyiur hijau, di tepi pantai... *syahdu*

is it dragonball?? :o

So much fun!

sooo..what's your opinion about Depok beach? it's quite cool, right?? Now, it's time to narsis2an. Just enjoy my photos!

we're having fun. seriously.

udah bisa dibilang levitasi belom?

Ballerina! :p

NO! it's not a kuntilanak duyung terbang!!

Arum, flying by the wind..

1.. 2.. 3..

addition :P


and, thanks for reading. Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa ya fellas. love y'all! :)
